
Showing posts from June, 2020

For my Meme Posting Friend

To my friend who posted All Lives Matter-type memes.  I spent this morning making you something that I hope helps you. I didn’t feel like engaging in a Facebook tit for tat – I didn’t feel like the tension it brings, I didn’t want to drag this out into the open for everyone to scrutinise and generate an arena for nasty judgmental commentary. I want to encourage you to think differently. Here goes. 1.   There were massive and devastating injustices to people of colour throughout history. I think you know about some of this – so I’m not going to spend a lot of time here. I think you know that hundreds of thousands of people were taken from their homes, separated from their families, bought and sold like livestock to live as slaves to the benefit of others much richer and more privileged. I want you to re-read that last sentence though, and think about all of the suffering contained in it, because this is where today’s suffering started.  The suffering started whe